島國熱烈參與2011年太平洋漁業論壇表達強烈訴求第三屆太平洋鮪魚論壇(PTF)成功於9月6-7日在帛琉首都Koror召開,會中針對國內化、諾魯協定國(密克羅尼西亞聯邦國、吉里巴斯、馬紹爾群島、諾魯、帛琉、巴布亞新幾內亞、索羅門群島及吐瓦魯;PNA)、臨時經濟夥伴協定(IEPA)及生態標籤等熱門議題進行廣泛討論。擔任論壇主席的帛琉副總統Kerai Mariur向來自31國(首次派代表團與會的有印尼、伊朗、芬蘭及挪威)近200個熱情參與的代表團致上歡迎之意。該論壇邀集31位講者房屋出租針對與西太平洋(WCPO)相關的鮪魚資源及管理爭議、貿易及行銷、生態標籤及技術等主題舉行發表會。每兩年召開一次的PTF盛會已成為太平洋島國(PICs)鮪漁業推廣鮪魚產品及投資機會的重要交流平台。 PICs藉由外籍作業漁船收歸國有或增加國內漁船生產力等行動推動國內化措施,以實現本國籍漁船在擁有豐富鮪魚資源的島國水域取得作業主導權;PICs如此重視下游活動就是希望能自WCPO鮪漁業獲得更多經濟利益。帛琉副總統於開幕式指出,PNA為捍衛國內資源(尤指鰹鮪) 於近幾售屋網年採取撼動全球鮪漁業的強硬措施,就是不滿PICs並未自鮪漁業獲得對等利益的反撲。PNA辦公室主席Transform Aqorau則預告會嚴格驅離在PNA水域作業不遵守規定的外籍漁船。PNA鰹鮪漁業已申請海洋管理委員會(MSC)認証,現在就等獨立公正評審團審核各界意見後做出最後決定。 歐盟及PNG簽訂IEPA議題亦於多個發表會中被廣泛討論;在PNG建立加工廠的亞洲鮪魚公司倘無簽訂IEPA,勢必因PNG過高的生產成本(每件生產成本較菲律賓的General Santos市高出3美元)無法與泰國、菲律新成屋賓等亞洲國家產品競爭。PNG Frabelle總統認為,歐盟提供的進口零關稅優惠僅能勉強補貼在PNG過高的生產成本。 (摘譯於INFOFISH Trade News, No. 18/2011,3 October 2011)PTF 2011- LOUDER VOICES FROM THE PACIFICDomestication, Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA), Interim Economic Partnership Agreement(IEPA) and eco-labelling were among the hot topics discussed during the 3rd Pacific Tuna Forum(PTF) held in Koror, Palau from 6-7 土地買賣September. Officiated by the Honourable Mr. Kerai Mariur, theVice President of Palau, the Forum was attended by close to 200 delegates from 31 countries includingfirst time delegates from Indonesia, Iran, Finland and Norway. Thirty one speakers presented a widerange of topics from tuna resources and management issues in the Western Pacific ocean (WCPO), totrade and market as well as eco-labeling and technical issues. The 仲介網third in this biennial event, the PTFhas become an important platform to promote tuna products and investment opportunities of thePacific Island countries (PICs) tuna industry.Domestication reflects the strong aspiration of PICs to play a bigger role in harvesting their rich tunaresources by their own (domestic) fishing vessels, through nationalization of foreign fishing vessels orby increasing the capacity of domestic 室內裝潢boats. It also implies PICs’ ambition to develop downstreamactivities to enable them to gain more economic benefits from tuna harvested in the WCPO. Asstressed during the opening speech by the Honourable Vice President of Palau, PICs have,unfortunately, not derived an equitable level of benefits from the harvesting of these resources.Meanwhile, the PNA (Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, 室內設計Palau,Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu) has taken bold measures in recent years to protecttheir own tuna resources (particularly skipjack) sending a strong wave to the global tuna industry. Inhis compelling words, the President of PNA office, Dr. Transform Aqorau, said that foreign fishingvessels operating in PNA’s waters need to “shape up or ship out”. The PNA is also in the process ofgetting the Marine 系統傢俱Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for its free school skipjack which is nowpending review by an independent adjudicator based on the objections received from some industryplayers.The Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (IEPA) signed between the EU and PNG was alsoextensively discussed in various presentations. Tuna companies from Asia which build processingfacilities in PNG indicated that without IEPA they will not 商空設計be able to compete with products fromAsian countries as the production costs in PNG is higher than in Thailand or the Philippines.According to the President of Frabelle, the zero import duty granted by the EU is just enough to cover(compensate) the higher production costs in PNG (US$3 per case more than the production in GeneralSantos).

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